Off With Their Heads

Start Walking

Off With Their Heads

ukulele Easy easy


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Start Walking

Written by Justin Francis/Zack Gontard/Robbie Swartwood/Ryan Young

	  		G . C 
There are no words to describe the awful feeling I have inside  
So I shut down 
Not the same as it was last time, it's so much worse 
It's something that drives me out of my mind 
       G                                              C 
It's a long way back to be anything that anyone could love 
But I do what I do cause I think it's fun 
It never helps, it turns me into my father's son 
There comes the light and it takes my hand 
We'll go to a place where I can stand the skin I'm in 
G                    F                                C 
It's a long way back to be anything that anyone could love 


Solo: C , F , C, F , C 

C                                                                 F 
There are no words to describe the awful feeling I have inside of me 
There comes the light and it takes my hand 
It leads me where I never wanna be 
G                    F 
It's a long way back to be anything 
G                    F                          C 
It's a long way back to be anything that anyone could love 
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