No Use For a Name

Room 19

No Use For a Name


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Room 19

Key:  C#5 More
Room 19 Key G#5G#5
Room 19 Key A5A5
Room 19 Key A#5A#5
Room 19 Key B5B5(one step down)
Room 19 Key C5C5(half step down)
Room 19 Key C#5C#5(original key)
Room 19 Key D5D5(half step up)
Room 19 Key D#5D#5(one step up)
Room 19 Key E5E5
Room 19 Key F5F5
Room 19 Key F#5F#5
Room 19 Key G5G5
C#5                B5               E5 
It's been so long since you've been here, and I'm dying 
A5        G#5                 F#5        ( E5  B5  C#5 ) 
Is there something you would like to say? 
C#5            B5            E5 
Just drop the present on the shelf, by the flowers 
A5           G#5        F#5      ( E5  B5  C#5 ) 
And make the feeling go away 
C#5      B5           E5 
Looking back I can't recall, who was listening 
A5             G#5       F#5            ( E5  B5  C#5 ) 
When I used to walk the streets at night 
C#5     B5                E5 
Like a bird that used to sing, I was flying 
A5    G#5           F#5             B5            
I was happy all the time, and it's hard to look back 
E5      B5                C#5 
Better days and different ways I can't explain 
        A5              F#5      B5    
Another song to sing it all was simplified 
E5          B5        C#5 
Don't know what it's about, what have I learned to  
live without? 
                         B5    ( E5  B5  C#5 ) 
It takes a day to live a life 
C#5      B5                  E5 
I can't believe the way the world is so different 
A5         G#5             F#5           ( E5  B5  C#5 ) 
Look what the lines in my face have made 
C#5    B5            E5 
Living in my bed I'm right next to the road 
A5           G#5             F#5  B5 
The one that goes the other way, takes me to a  
different place 
         B5          C#5 
Did you know, that I was just as young as you 
         A5            F#5           B5 
I had a job, a home, a family, and a car 
E5      B5             C#5 
Did you say that yesterday or just right now? 
              F#5              B5             E5 
You'll never know the feeling of my bleeding heart 
E5       B5           C#5 
Did you say that yesterday or just right now? 
             F#5               B5            E5 
You'll never know the feeling of my bleeding heart  
Contribuição: Brenda Vianna([email protected]) 

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