No Use For a Name

For Fiona

No Use For a Name

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For Fiona

Written by Tony Sly

	  		Intro: C    E     A  G  F  G  

              F5                                    G5  
I Can't even think of words to match the way i'm feeling  
              A5                                   C5  
I Don't even think a book can say enough for you  
 F5                         G5  
I can only try my best to put it in a song I guess,  
 F5                                     G5  
You try to speak I know you tell the truth  

     F5                                       G5  
If I could freeze our small amount of time together  
                A5                                   C5  
then we could make believe this world would never end  
Unfortunately truth is cold  
So you stay young while I get old  
    F5                            G5  
But always know, I'm your best friend  

                  C                  Em  
Nothing is the same everything is a better change  
                   Am      G     F  
sometimes I see silence in your eyes  
                   C                      Em  
Let it all crash down, When it ends it begins with you  
                   Am     G      F  
I'm gonna learn every time you do  

     F5                                     G5  
And I'm as scared as anybody who has done this  
                  A5                    C5  
I wouldn't give it up for nothing free  
You took my life, turned it around,  
  G5                                   F5               G5  
You put my feet back on the ground, I owe you, eternally  

                  C                  Em  
Nothing is the same everything is a better change  
                   Am      G     F  
sometimes I see silence in your eyes  
                   C                      Em  
Let it all crash down, When it ends it begins with you  
                   Am     G      F  
I'm going to hurt... every time you do  

I'm always  
I'm always  
     Am        G  
I'm always here  
I'm always  
I'm always  
     Am         G  
I'm always here  

                  C                  Em  
Nothing is the same everything is a better change  
                   Am      G     F  
sometimes I see silence in your eyes  
                   C                        Em  
Let it all crash down, When it ends it begins with you  
                   Am     G      F      G  
I'm going to hurt every time you do
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