
Julie In The Weeds


ukulele Beginner beginner


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Julie In The Weeds

	  		Tuning: Standard EADGBE - For Jules ... 
Note - Frequently a high Em variant is used - in the 7th fret ( xx9987 ) 

D     Em              D        Em 

D      Em        D        Em              
Julie lie down   in the  weeds and see  
F#m   Em             
      Something new 
F#m   Em             
      Something new 

D     Em            D       Em              
Julie from now on - all the pain of youth 
F#m          Em            
 It will not trouble you 
F#m          Em            
 It will not trouble you 

G                   A 
North, east, south, west 
F#m             Bm 
No one has a clue 
G                  A 
Nobody quite knows what to do 

D     Em         D        Em              
Julie  lie down - in the  weeds and see  
F#m    Em             
 How I look at you 
F#m    Em             
 How I look at you 

G                   A 
North, east, south, west 
F#m             Bm 
No one has a clue 
G                  A 
Nobody quite knows what to do 

Bm       G       Bm      A   
Bm       F#m     G       A  

D          Em           D          Em 

D             Em        
There are some people 
D            Em       
Who live in order to  
F#m         Em            
Tell others what to do 
F#m         Em            
Tell others what to do 

G                        A 
As long as there remains steel in my veins 
F#m            Bm 
They will not trouble you 
G                       A 
They will not touch you - Will not trouble you 

D     Em     D     Em 
D     Em     D     Em 

Bm       A       G       A 
F#m      Bm      Em      G .... D 
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