Misc Christmas

With Wondering Awe

Misc Christmas

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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With Wondering Awe

Intro: F  Dm  Bb  F 

      F                 Dm 
With wond’ring awe the wisemen saw 
     Bb            F 
The star in heaven springing, 
    F                 Dm    Bb 
And with delight, in peaceful night, 
      F                Dm7 
They heard the angels singing: 

  F *      Bb       Dm           F 
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to his name! 

    F                  Dm 
By light of star they traveled far 
    Bb             F 
To seek the lowly manger, 
   F              Dm     Bb 
A humble bed wherein was laid 
     F               Dm7 
The wondrous little Stranger. 

  F *      Bb       Dm            F 
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to his name! 

    F                   Dm 
And still is found, the world around, 
    Bb                F 
The old and hallowed story, 
     F                Dm   Bb 
And still is sung in ev’ry tongue 
     Bb              Dm7 
The angels’ song of glory: 

  F *      Bb       Dm           F 
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to his name! 

     F                 Dm 
The heav’nly star its rays afar 
    Bb           F 
On ev’ry land is throwing, 
     F                    Dm  Bb 
And shall not cease till holy peace 
   F               Dm7 
In all the earth is growing. 

  F *      Bb       Dm           F 
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to his name! 
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