Michael Jackson

I Just Can`t Stop Loving You

Michael Jackson

ukulele Intermediate intermediate

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I Just Can`t Stop Loving You

Year: 1995 -

Written by 1304@Number Ones| 1395@Bad| 1408@The Essential Michael Jackson, Michael Joseph Jackson, Ruben Blades

	  		    C                                              Bbmaj7/9 
1. Each time the wind blows I hear your voice so,     I call your name. 
      C                                      Bbmaj7/13 
    Whispers at morning, our love is dawning,  heaven's glad you came. 
    You know how I feel, this thing can't go wrong 
     Fm                            Am7 
    I'm so proud to say :  I love you. 
    Your love's got me high, I long to get by 
      Ebmaj7                      F/G            
    this time it`s forever, love is the answer. 
   C                                             Bbmaj7/9 
2. I hear your voice now, you are my choice now,   the love you bring. 
     C                                              Bbmaj7/13 
    Heaven's in my heart, at your call I hear harps,   and angels sing. 
    You know how I feel, this thing can't go wrong, 
    I can't live my life without you. 
    I just can't hold on,  I feel we belong, 
     Ebmaj7                             C6/G?                E7 
    my life ain't worth living, if I can't be with you.  
G                  D          A   G                  D          A 
    I just can't stop loving you,     I just can't stop loving you. 
Em              D         F             C          E 
    And if I stop, then tell me just what will I do ? 
    D                         A 
    I just can't stop loving you. 

       A                                                   G 
3. At night when the stars shine, I pray, in you I'll find   a love so true. 
    When morning awakes me, will you come and take me,  
    I'll wait for you. 
    You know how I feel, I won't stop until 
    Dm                            F 
    I hear your voice saying "I do!"  "I do !" 
           Dm                         F 
    This thing can't go wrong, this feeling's so strong, 
           C                              E                E7 
    well, my life ain't worth living, if  I can`t be with you. 
G                  D          A    G                 D          A 
    I just can't stop loving you,     I just can't stop loving you. 
Em              D         F             C          E 
    And if I stop, then tell me just what will I do ? 

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