Merle Haggard

Back To The Barrooms

Merle Haggard

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Back To The Barrooms

Capo on 1st fret
         G           C            
Now it's back to the barrooms  
G                       D 
right back to drinking again 
Maybe someday you'll love me  
Enough to stay with me 
G                      D  
And whisky won't be my best friend 
             D                     G  
But now it's back to the barrooms again 
    D                     G 
The bartender knows me he knows how you do me 
       D                        A  
And he knows why I'm back here again 
D                    G     
He should be given a prize for his patience 
D                        A  
Cause bartenders do understand 
        A                     D 
So it's back to the barrooms again 
Move capo up 1 fret to 2 (1/2 step) 
With the loud music roaring the bartender pouring 
And my shaky legs trying to stand 
It's over and over I've tried to stay sober 
But look what a failure I've been 
Cause now it's back to the barrooms again 
Oh yes it's back to the barrooms again 
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