Katie Melua

Wonderful Life

Katie Melua

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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Wonderful Life

	  		Intro Em 

Em         D6     G 
Here I go out to sea again 
               D6       Em 
The sunshine fills my hair 
Em     D6             G    D6 
And dreams hang in the air 
Em              D6      G 
Gulls in the sky and in my blue eyes 
               D6   Em 
You know it feels unfair 
         D6        G 
There's magic everywhere 

Em           D 
Look at me standing 
G          Am 
Here on my own again 
Em                  D   G    Am 
Up straight in the sun-light 

           Em       G 
No need to run and hide 
        Em        Am       D 
It's a wonderful wonderful life 
            Em       G 
No need to laugh and cry 
        Em        Am        D 
It's a wonderful wonderful life 

Em                          D6              G 
The sun's in your eyes, the heat is in your hair 
             D6      G    Em          D6    G      
They seem to hate you-ou, because you're there 
Em                   D6 
And I need a friend 
        G              D6          Em       
Oh I need a friend to make me happy 
    G      Em     G  D6 
Not so alooooone 

Em           D 
Look at me standing 
G          Am 
Here on my own again 
Em                  D   G    Am 
Up straight in the sun-light 

           Em       G 
No need to run and hide 
        Em        Am       D 
It's a wonderful wonderful life 
            Em       G 
No need to laugh and cry 
        Em        Am        D 
It's a wonderful wonderful life 

Em        D6      Em 
It's a wonderful life 

It's a wonderful life 
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