John and Audrey Wiggins

She's In The Bedroom Crying

John and Audrey Wiggins


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She's In The Bedroom Crying

Written by Chuck Cannon / Jimmy Alan Stewart

	  		VERSE 1: 
C                                       F  
He's in a bar, and she's in the bedroom crying 
G                                                    C      G 
He thinks he'll drown all the hurt that he's feeling inside 
C                                          Bb         F   
A river of tears is washing away her every reason for trying 
        G                                           C 
And the distance between them is silence, anger and pride 
N.C.                    F 
They don't talk to each other 
They're no longer lovers 
     G                                                        F  C 
They won't even say the three words that could keep love from dying 
            F                          C  
She needs a shoulder, he needs to hold her 
    G                                       F   C 
But he's in a bar, and she's in the bedroom crying 
C#                                                     F# 
He tells the bartender his problems and thanks him for listening 
Ab                                                        C#   Ab 
Then he orders more whiskey to have something warm he can hold 
She picks up the phone, and calls up a friend, 
                        B             F# 
And says she wishes she knew what was missing 
        Ab                                                 C# 
Both of them ask the wrong people why their love's growing cold 
N.C.                    F# 
They don't talk to each other 
They're no longer lovers 
     Ab                                                       F# C# 
They won't even say the three words that could keep love from dying 
            F#                         C# 
She needs a shoulder, he needs to hold her 
    Ab                                      F#  C# 
But he's in a bar, and she's in the bedroom crying 
    Ab                                      F#  C# 
But he's in a bar, and she's in the bedroom crying 
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