Jethro Tull

Summerday Sands

Jethro Tull

ukulele Easy easy

by  MAX(BA)

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Summerday Sands

Year: 1975 - Album: Minstrel in the Gallery

Written by Ian Anderson

	  		intro Dsus4/6/9* arpeggio D Dsus4  
 D         Dsus4   D5      Am/D*           G  
I once met a girl with the life in her hands  
            D      G                  D  
and we lay together on the summerday sands.  
 D         Dsus4   D5         Am/D*            G  
I gave her my raincoat and told her, ``Lady, be  
                     D   G  
D         Dsus4    
And we made truth together, where no one else  
D                   Dsus4  D5  
Am/D*                 G  
I smiled through her fingers and ran the dust  
through her hands ---  
                  D     G                   D  
the hour-glass of reason on the summerday sands.  
Em                       Cmaj7  
We sat as the sea caught fire.  
Cadd/b9 C                 A7  
Waited as the flames grew higher  
        D D/C D/B D/A  
in her eyes.  
Em                   Cmaj7  
We watched the eagle born ---  
Cadd/b9  C             A7  
wings clipped, tail feathers shorn  
 D              D/C  D/B  D/Bb  Bb4+  
but we saw him rise ---  
Bb4+                   D Dsus4    
over summerday sands.  
(Rest the same)  
Came the ten o'clock curfew.  
She said, ``I must start my car.  
I'm staying with someone I met last night in a  
I called from my wave top ---  
``At least tell me your name!''  
She smiled from her wheelspin  
and said, ``It's all the same.''  
I thought for a minute, jumped back on dry land ---  
left one set of footprints on the summerday sands.  
I once met a girl with the life in her hands  
and we lied together on the summerday sands.  
words and music by Ian Anderson  
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Am/D = *XX0555 Dsus4/6/9*=XX0000
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