Jason Aldean

I Wanna Be That Man

Jason Aldean

ukulele Easy easy


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I Wanna Be That Man

Capo on 1st fret

Intro: G  |  G 


F                          C 
I know I haven't given you all you'd thought I'd be 
Ebmaj                                Bb 
I've shown so very little of what you must have seen in me 
    F                                 Am 
the heart you fell in love with   the way I made you smile 
Ebmaj                           C                   D 
the one you put your trust in a kiss that drove you wild 

G Em I wanna be that man not the stranger that I have been Am G/B C D Now I know that I've got to be beside you and show you every day G Em I can live up to your love and I can place my world in your hands C D G with no doubts left of me more than anything I wanna be that man
verse 2: F C I can feel you reaching in when you look at me Ebmaj Bb I can see you searching for who I used to be F Am I know what it looks like and what he couldn't stand to lose Ebmaj D I know the words he needs to say and what it takes to walk in those shoes
G Em I wanna be that man not the stranger that I have been Am B/D C D Now I know that I've got to be beside you and show you every day G Em I can live up to your love and I can place my world in your hands C D G with no doubts left of me more than anything I wanna be that man
INTERLUDE: Bb F C G Why you haven't given up is a mystery to me Bb F C D You must have faith in us you must believe
G Em I wanna be that man not the stranger that I have been Am B/D C D Now I know that I've got to be beside you and show you every day G Em I can live up to your love and I can place my world in your hands C D Em with no doubts left of me more than anything I wanna be that man C D With no doubts left of me more than anything G I wanna be that man
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