James Taylor

Machine Gun Kelly

James Taylor

ukulele Easy easy


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Machine Gun Kelly

Year: 1990 - Album: Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon

Written by Danny Kortchmar

Basically a D with pulloffs and hammerons followed by a walkdown on the basstring. Just  
listen for it, simple. 

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D C B C D C B C e-------2h3p2------------------2p0------------------| B------3-----3----3---3--3----3---3----3---3--3-----| G-----2-------2--0---0---0---2-----2--0---0---0-----| D----0----------------------0-----------------------| A---------------3---2---3------------3---2---3------| E---------------------------------------------------|
D C B C I'll tell you 'bout Machine Gun Kelly D C B C He rode along the outlaw trail D C B C Machine Gun Kelly was a simple man but the D C B C woman was just hard as hell, Watch out G C G D C B C Machine Gun, don't let her put you down A C/G G Don't let a woman put you six feet in the ground D C B C Machine gun
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