Ina Forsman

Don't Hurt Me Now

Ina Forsman

ukulele Easy easy


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Don't Hurt Me Now

	  		Intro Bm  A  G  D  Bm             

Can we blame the bartender 
Can we blame the Moon 
Can we blame the moment 
     A               Bm 
That I laid my eyes on you 
It was never on purpose 
No it wasn't planned 
Can we blame the first time 
     A              Bm 
You took me by my hand 
I fell for you and I know 
If you ask me I'd stay 
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A G I promise to go down this road
Bm If you show the way A Oh won't you understand Bm As I wear my guard down A G I'm on my knees I'm beggin you please Bm Don't hurt me now Bm I've been having my doubts A Waiting patiently G For you to speak up A Bm As I wait and sit dow quietly Bm As I open up my mouth A Aware it's a risk G Your look is fatal A Bm As I make my final wish A I fell for you and I know Bm If you ask me I'd stay
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A G I promise to go down this road
Bm If you show the way A Oh won't you understand Bm As I wear my guard down A G I'm on my knees I'm beggin you please Bm Don't hurt me now Bm A G A Bm A G A Bm Don't you hurt me now A Oh won't you understand Bm As I wear my guard down A G I'm on my knees I'm beggin you please Bm Don't hurt me now Bm F# Don't hurt me now F# Bm F# Don't hurt me now Em F#7 I'm on my knees I'm beggin you please Bm Oh... don't hurt me now Bm F# Bm F# Don't hurt me oh Don't hurt me Don't hurt me don't hurt me now Em F#7 Bm I'm on my knees I'm beggin you please oh.. don't hurt me now
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