Gene Watson

This Is My Year For Mexico

Gene Watson

ukulele Easy easy


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This Is My Year For Mexico

	  		C                     F              C 
I no longer notice if you're wearing perfume 

C                                  G7 
I quit smoking girl you never even knew 

    C                   F                  C 
And the road is full of young and restless people 

                    G7            C 
And they're full of the spirit to move 

       G7                 C 
It's a habit for us to be together 

                       F              C 
We sat and watched the deadly shadows grow 

                      F            C 
Every day last year I left for California 

           G7           C 
This is my year for Mexico 

C                      F                C 
Your back is turned to me while you are reading 

C                                  G7 
I close my eyes while I pretend to doze 

         C               F                C 
From the road I hear the sound of passing traffic 

                 G7            C 
Some of them are bound for Mexico 

       G7                 C 
It's a habit for us to be together 

                       F              C 
We sat and watched the deadly shadows grow 

                      F            C 
Every day last year I left for California 

           G7           C 
This is my year for Mexico 
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