Charlie Simpson

All At Once

Charlie Simpson

ukulele Beginner beginner


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All At Once

Capo on 2nd fret

Intro: G A
Some of us will live our lives 
Like we are just living life on the run 
Some of us will die in our old age 
Others of us will die young 

But sometimes it feels like I am just 
Getting so many things wrong 
It feels like I'm walking down my last mile 
And my God, it just feels so long 

A                     G 
Please just slow it down 

I'm walking off these years 
A                     G 
Please just slow it down 

'Cause I can't stand the tears 

                                A      D 
But I would not expect you to understand it 
A                     D                     G 
'Cause things never turned out the way we planned it 
A                  D            G 
I just hoped that I would know you 
A                 D                  G 
And I never have to walk this world alone 

                          A      D 
I would not expect you to ever notice 
A                    D                G 
You never had the time to be overjoyed with me 
A              D           G 
If you could hear me now, yeah 
A                     D               G 
Then I wouldn't want to lose it all at once 

G A 

Some of us will live our lives 
Like we are just dragging our heals through the night 
Some of us will stay in the darkest holes 
And some of us will find the light 

But sometimes it feels like I am just 
Getting so many things wrong 
It feels like I'm walking down my last mile 
And my God, it just feels so long 

A                     G 
Please just slow it down 

I'm walking off these years 
A                     G 
Please just slow it down 

'Cause I can't stand the tears 

                                A      D 
But I would not expect you to understand it 
A                     D                     G 
'Cause things never turned out the way we planned it 
A                  D            G 
I just hoped that I would know you 
A                 D                  G 
And I never have to walk this world alone 

                          A      D 
I would not expect you to ever notice 
A                    D                G 
You never had the time to be overjoyed with me 
A              D           G 
If you could hear me now, yeah 
A                     D               G 
Then I wouldn't want to lose it all at once 

                          A      D 
I would not expect you to ever notice 
A                    D                G 
You never had the time to be overjoyed with me 
A              D           G 
If you could hear me now, yeah 
A                     D               G     A 
Then I wouldn't want to lose it all at once 
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