Buck Owens

I've Got It Bad For You

Buck Owens



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I've Got It Bad For You

Written by Buck Owens/Don Rich

Capo on 1st fret

F                                  C7 
I worship the ground that you walk on 
  C7                       F 
I breathe every breath for you 
  F                          Bb  
I live every day to make you happy 
     F           C7      F  
Yes, I've got it bad for you 

I hurt every time someone hurts you 
I cry every time they make you blue 
I live every day to make you happy 
Yes, I've got it bad for you. 

           C7                     F 
I know I'd die if you ever should leave me 
    D                           C7 
For my whole world turns around you 
  F                          Bb 
I live every day to make you happy 
     F           C7      F  
Yes, I've got it bad for you 

Yes, I've got it bad for you...
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