Boyce Avenue

With Or Without You

Boyce Avenue

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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With Or Without You


 F      C                 Dm 
See the stone set in your eyes, 
         Bb                   F 
See the thorn twist in your side 
  C         Dm   Bb 
I wait for you 

 F         C                 Dm 
Sleight of hand and twist of fate 
            Bb                   F 
On a bed of nails she makes me wait 
        C             Dm   Bb 
And I wait....without you 

           F     C 
With or without you 
           Dm    Bb 
With or without you 

 F         C                 Dm 
Through the storm we reach the shore 
            Bb                   F 
You give it all but I want more 
        C             Dm   Bb 
And I'm waiting for you 

           F     C               Dm   C 
With or without you, with or without you 
         F     C       Dm    Bb 
I can't live with or without you 

( F C Dm Bb ) 

         F             C 
And you give yourself away 
         Dm            Bb 
And you give yourself away 
And you give 
And you give 
         Dm            Bb 
And you give yourself away 
     F        C 
My hands are tied 
    Dm         Bb               C 
My body bruised, she's got me with 
Nothing to win 
          Bb         F 
And nothing left to lose 

         F             C 
And you give yourself away 
         Dm            Bb 
And you give yourself away 
And you give 
And you give 
         Dm            Bb 
And you give yourself away 

           F     C 
With or without you 
           Dm    Bb 
With or without you 
          F   C 
I can't live 
           Dm   Bb 
With or without you 

           F     C 
With or without you 
           Dm    Bb 
With or without you 
          F   C 
I can't live 
           Dm   Bb 
With or without you 
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