Black Oak Arkansas

High 'n Dry

Black Oak Arkansas

ukulele Easy easy


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High 'n Dry

Written by Tommy Aldridge/Pat Daugherty/Harvey Jett/Stanley Knight/Jim "Dandy" Mangrum/Rick Reynolds


When the water is a risen 
Tell me where you gonna go 
When the Dams are all a bustin' 
And it's floodin' down below 
And the rushin' of the river 
Tells ya there's no place ta hide 
You'll be high 'n dry babe 
Right by my side 

G High 'N Dry Am C with the waters down below Am C Runnin' where they want to go F C But they can't judge you no more G High 'N Dry Am C With the waters at high tide Am D C G With you here by my side we're High 'N Dry
verse 2: G When the streams are all a swollen Am and the rivers are a swellin' D And you cannot find a hole in which Am To hide 'cept one you fell in G And that muddy old man river Am Tries to take you for a ride D You'll be High 'N Dry babe D right by my side
G High 'N Dry Am C with the waters down below Am C Runnin' where they want to go F C But they can't judge you no more G High 'N Dry Am C With the waters at high tide Am D C G With you here by my side we're High 'N Dry G High 'N Dry Am C with the waters down below Am C Runnin' where they want to go F C But they can't judge you no more G High 'N Dry Am C With the waters at high tide Am D C G With you here by my side we're High 'N Dry
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