Bing Crosby

Isle Of Capri

Bing Crosby

ukulele Expert expert


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Isle Of Capri

Written by Jimmy Kennedy and Will Grosz

Introdução: A7 A7/13- D Edim A7 D     

 A7  A7/13-     D       Edim  A7      D       G 
`Twas on the Isle of Capri that I found her 
    A7         D         B7         Em7     A7 
Beneath the shade of an old walnut tree 
           Em7          Edim              A7 
Oh, I can still see the flow'rs bloomin' round her 
Edim     D           A7        D   A7 
Where we met on the Isle of Capri 
A7  A7/13-     D       Edim  A7      D       G 
She was as sweet as a rose at the dawning 
     A7      D          Cdim          Em7  A7 
But somehow fate hadn't meant her for me 
              Em7            Edim         A7 
And though I sailed with the tide in the morning 
Edim     D              A7        D   A7 
Still my heart's on the Isle of Capri 


G                 G/F#       D     G             Edim           D 
Summertime was nearly over, blue Italian sky above 
G                  G/F#   D            E7               Bm7-5              A7 
I said "Lady, I'm a rover, can you spare a sweet word of love" 
A7  A7/13-     D       Edim  A7            D       G 
She whispered softly "It's best not to linger" 
     A7         D        Cdim         Em7  A7 
And then as I kissed her hand I could see 
              Em7                 Edim         A7 
She wore a lovely meatball on her finger 
Edim             D            A7       D    
'Twas goodbye at the Villa Capri 
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