Billy Joe Shaver

Honey Chile

Billy Joe Shaver

ukulele Expert expert


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Honey Chile

Written by Billy Joe Shaver

	  		(D) Ho(A)ney (D) Chile was a (Bm) Ca(F#)jun gal  
what (Em) lived in Va(D)che(G)rie 
She (D) stole away my (A) heart (D) there  
But (Em) loving don't (D) come (A) free 
Like Honey (D) Chile's 

Honey Chile, all my friends told me three times or two 
I can't make you love me, I can't make you be true, Honey Chile 

I didn't Know as I paddled up this river yesterday 
That a fast-talking gambler would come and steal away my Honey Chile 

Honey Chile, why'd you go and dome me that way 
Why'd You leave me crying on the levee that day, Honey Chile 

Honey Chile, I done told you if you leave me, don't look back 
I'll done you like them crawfish, put you in a burlap sack, Honey Chile 

Than I searched 'til I found you in that house in New Orleans 
You was trompin' out my heart there, being anybody's queen, Honey Chile 

You didn't know when we left there headed back to Vacherie 
That the ones we left behind us had seen all there was to see of Honey Chile 

Honey Chile, as I paddle up this river looking back 
I see a bump on the levee, I'm missing one burlap sack and Honey Chile
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