Billy Joe Shaver

Fit To Kill And Going Out In Style

Billy Joe Shaver



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Fit To Kill And Going Out In Style

Written by Billy Joe Shaver

Got a stetson and some brand new blue jeans 
Got a wad of bills that'd choke a whooping crane 
  A                            E                C#m 
I come from Waco, Texas, and I been around this world 
   F#                               B7 
I tell you boys Im hitting high and wide 
Got a pick-up full of good gasoline 
Got a whatch-a-call like you aint never seen 
      A                          E              C#m 
I'm a pistol-packing papa with a million dollar smile 
     F#              B7           E 
I'm fit to kill and going out in style 

Fit to kill and going out in style 
Yeah, fit to kill and going out in style 
    A                            E              C#m 
I'm still a little crazy and I'm still a little wild 
    F#             B7           E 
I'm fit to kill and going out in style 

My woman is the queen of the world 
Yeah, she ain't just an ordinary girl 
 A                              E              C#m 
She makes country lovin like an oyster makes a pearl 
F#                                 B7 
Im gonna let her hold my heart a while 
We're the talk of the town every night 
We do our thing until the morning light 
        A                             E            C#m 
We're a head above the highbrows by a moneymaking mile 
      F#              B7           E 
We're fit to kill and going out in style     

Repeat Chorus
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