Yngwie Malmsteen

Don't Let It End

Yngwie Malmsteen

tabs Expert expert


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Don't Let It End

	  		Yngwie Malmsteen - Don't Let It End  
from Marching Out 
tune down 1/2 step 
[email protected] (Judy Letostak) 
[email protected] 
FidoNet 1:202/762  The Music Shop BBS (619)423-4970 
              Electric guitars  
I tried so hard to make it right... 
   No please don't end it now... 
Chorus out 
h = hammeron                    Judy Letostak                          
p = pulloff                     Internet [email protected] 
/\ = slide                      Fidonet 1:202/762                      
x = ghost note                  MetalNet 282:100/2                     
t = tap (right hand)            The Music Shop BBS (619)423-4970 24hrs 
~ = vibrato                     * = picked harmonic 
bf = bend full                  tr = trill 
rb = release bend               p.s. = pick scrape 
dive = dive with bar            b = bend / step written over note 
% = repeat bar                  + = natural harmonic 

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