Jett Rebel

Do You Love Me At All (acoustic)

Jett Rebel

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Do You Love Me At All (acoustic)

Intro: A C F D 

A                     C 
What are you doing to me 
                      F    (D) 
What are you doing to me 
A               C              F 
You seemed so uninterested before 
But lately you have been 

A                  C 
Crawling under my skin, 
                          F    (D) 
you're crawling under my skin 
A                                  C 
I can't believe the state that I'm in, 
the state that I'm in, 
the state that I'm in 

        A                   C 
I'm surprised that you've called 
   F                             D 
I thought you didn't love me at all 
     A                            C 
That I was just a prize on your wall 
I thought you didn't love me at all 

A                           C 
Have you been sneaking around 
                         F     (D) 
Have you been sneaking around 
A                   C               F 
Straight to bed, no television for you 
And no more candy too 

A                        C 
You're crawling under my skin 
                         F      (D) 
You're crawling under my skin 
A                                  C 
I can't believe the state that I'm in, 
the state that I'm in, 
the state that I'm in 

- Chorus - 

        A                   C 
I'm surprised that you've called 
   F                             D 
I thought you didn't love me at all 
     A                            C 
That I was just a prize on your wall 
F                                D 
I thought you didn't love me at all 

        A                   C 
I'm surprised that you've called 
   F                             D 
I thought you didn't love me at all 
     A                            C 
That I was just a prize on your wall 
F                               D 
I thought you didn't love me at all 

- Bridge - 

F                                   D 
Since you've been thinking 'bout it constantly 
C                          Ab 
That is gonna be a problem probably 
   F                           D 
As if it wasn't hard enough forgetting, love 
  C                             E 
I had to find out you not even know from me 

D F I'm surprised that you've called Bb G I thought you didn't love me at all D F That I was just a prize on your wall Bb G I-I-I thought you didn't love me at all D F I-I-I thought you didn't love me at all Bb G I-I-I thought you didn't love me at all D F I-I-I thought you didn't love me at all Bb I-I-I baby do you love me at all

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