You Am I


You Am I

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Written by Tim Rogers

Key:  D More
Junk Key AA
Junk Key A#A#
Junk Key BB
Junk Key CC(one step down)
Junk Key C#C#(half step down)
Junk Key DD(original key)
Junk Key D#D#(half step up)
Junk Key EE(one step up)
Junk Key FF
Junk Key F#F#
Junk Key GG
Junk Key G#G#
Tuning D G D G B E

verse 1 

I ain't blue yet hell I ain't even sick 
but this big ol' bark sure sounds worse than its stink 
Think like a dipstick and white as a sheet 
But for a pile o' trash I sure smell sweet 

D5 Can in a bag, fer just $2.35 Eb5 E5 Nobody looks you straight in the eye F5 F#5 G5 Drop like butter to the floor just let me lie G5 A5 C5 Drop like butter jus' let me fry
verse 2 RIFF x 1 VERSE RIFF Been digging holes like I'm in need of work I can't sit for a minute jus' to dry my shirt VERSE RIFF This city's been sucking on me like a cheap cigarette Its drunk mah drinks and cashed my bets
D5 Can in a bag, fer just $2.35 Eb5 E5 Nobody looks you straight in the eye F5 F#5 G5 Drop like butter to the floor just let me lie G5 A5 C5 Drop like butter jus' let me fry
(Repeat riff until coda)
OUTRO UNISON BENDS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3-----3-----3------3-----3-----6------6------6-------6------6----- 5-(7)-5-(7)-5-(7)--5-(7)-5-(7)-8-(10)-8-(10)-8-(10)--8-(10)-8-(10) ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- 10------10------10-------10------10----- 12-(14)-12-(14)-12-(14)--12-(14)-12-(14) ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- CODA ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- 3--4--5--3--4--5--3--4--5--3--4--5--0 3--4--5--3--4--5--3--4--5--3--4--5--0 3--4--5--3--4--5--3--4--5--3--4--5--0 -------------------------------------

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