Three Days Grace

Lost In You

Three Days Grace

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Lost In You

Written by Adam Gontier, Barry Stock, Brad Walst, Neil Sanderson

	  		(intro) D9 D A9 A 

 D9  D  A9  A 
I always knew that you'd come back to get me 
 D9  D  F#m 
and you always knew that it wouldn't be easy 
 D9  D  A9  A 
To go back to the start to see where it all began 
 D9  D  F#m 
Or end up at the bottom to watch how it all ends 

E                               F#m   D 
You tried to lie and say "I was everything" 
E                          A            D9            E 
I remember when I said "I'm nothing without you" (I'm nothing without you) 

    D9    F#m     A           D9 
Somehow I found a way to get lost in you 
D9       F#m    D9          E 
Let me inside, let me get close to you 
D9          F#m           A            D9 
Change your mind, I'll get lost if you want me to 
D9            A      F#m         E 
Somehow I've found a way to get lost in you 

 D9  D  F#m 
You always thought that I left myself open 
 D9  D  A9  A 
But you didn't know I was already broken 
 D9  D  F#m 
I told myself that it wouldn't be so bad 
 D9  D  F#m 
Pulling away took everything I had 

E                               F#m   D 
You tried to lie and say "I was everything" 
E                          A            D9            E 
I remember when I said "I'm nothing without you" (I'm nothing without you) 

     D9    F#m     A         D9 
Somehow I found a way to get lost in you 
D9       F#m    D9          E 
Let me inside, let me get close to you 
D9          F#m           A            D9 
Change your mind, I'll get lost if you want me to 
D9            A      F#m         E      D9      E 
Somehow I've found a way to get lost in you (in you) 

The pain of it all 
The rise and the fall 
F#m             D9 
I see it all in you 
Now everyday 
I find myself say 
"I want to get lost in you" 
     E                      ( D9  D  A9  A  2x) D9  D  F#m     E 
I'm nothing without you 

    D9    F#m     A           D9 
Somehow I found a way to get lost in you 
D9       F#m    D9          E 
Let me inside, let me get close to you 
D9          F#m           A            D9 
Change your mind, I'll get lost if you want me to 
D9            A      F#m         E        D9 D A9 A 
Somehow I've found a way to get lost in you (somehow I've found) 
  F#m         E        D9 D A9 A                   F#m   E     D9 
A way to get lost in you (a way to get lost in you) 

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