The Swon Brothers

Later On

The Swon Brothers

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Later On

Written by Joey Hyde, Ryan James Hurd, Justin Wilson


D, G 

D, D, G, G 

D                                         D                            G           G 
 Hey baby won't you tell me what you got, going on just a little later on tonight. 
D                                          D                                   G             G 
 How about you and me get together, have a couple drinks, don't you think that sounds like a good time? 

D D You start sliding over, we can't get no closer, G G Ain't no room in the middle, girl what you doing a little later? D D Let's go start a fire, how about you and I get G G This thing moving shaking grooving, baby tell me what you're doing D Later on, later on D Later on, later on G G Later on, later on
(Verse) D D G G Girl you shining like a movie star, and you know you look so good I can't stop staring. D D G G And i can tell that you're feeling it to, what you wanna do with that smile you're wearing, oh yeah. (Bridge) A What ya say we get lost, lets go? A G Spend a couple hours just getting to know each other out there in the moonlight glow And when we get alone
D D You start sliding over, we can't get no closer, G G Ain't no room in the middle, Girl what you doing a little later? D D Let's go start a fire, how about you and I get G G This thing moving shaking grooving, baby tell me what you're doing D Later on, later on D Later on, later on
(Solo) G, G, D, D, G, G, A, A Ohhhh
D D (hit) You start sliding over, we can't get no closer, G G (hit) Ain't no room in the middle, Girl what you doing a little later? D D Let's go start a fire, how about you and I get G G This thing moving shaking grooving, baby tell me what you're doing D Later on, later on D Later on, later on G G Later on, later on
(Outro) D D That come on feeling hitting strong, drink it up until it's gone. G G D D G, D This is what we're waiting on, later on, later oooooooooon, yeah.

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