The Kooks

The Saboteur

The Kooks

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The Saboteur

Written by Luke Pritchard


Intro: Am Am Gm Gm (4x)  

A                           D       C       A     
 I am the saboteur and I'll let you into my world 
A                                D              C       A       
 Sometimes it's hard to live and sometimes it's hard to love me 
   A                            D                   C         A   
 I keep pushing you away, doing things so you won't stay with me 

C   G   G  F   C       F to C very quickly 
 Ah-ah, ah-ah, oooh...  
C   G   G  F   C   
 Ah-ah, ah-ah, oooh...  

             G            F             C  
 Wouldn't it be cool, if I could let it go 
            G             F             C    
 All of the things that I never seem to control 

B  (4x) 

B                          E        D         B   
 I am the saboteur and I'm fighting inside my mind 
B                           E       D       B    
 The harder I ignore is the more it crashes down 
B                                E        D            B    
 I see you by, you push me babe, see if I fade away in time 

D   A   A  G   D       G to D very quickly 
 Ah-ah, ah-ah, oooh...  
D   A   A  G   D   
 Ah-ah, ah-ah, oooh...  

             A            G             D  
 Wouldn't it be cool, if I could let it go 
            A             G             D     
 All of the things that I never seem to control 

C#m C#m Bm Bm (2x) 

Bm Bm C# 

C#                          F#      E       C#     
 I am the saboteur and I'll let you into my world 
C#                         F#    E       C#    
 I'm love in here but I'll never let you know 
C#                               F#         E       C#    
 Well I'm the big means anymore, anymore as I stand tall 

             B            A             E  
 Wouldn't it be cool, if I could let it go 
             B            A                 E 
 Wouldn't it be cool, if I could let it all go 
             B            A             E  
 Wouldn't it be cool, if I could let it go 
             B            A                 E 
 Wouldn't it be cool, if I just letting all go 

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