No Use For a Name

Fatal Flu (acoustic)

No Use For a Name

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Fatal Flu (acoustic)


A                       Fm 
It taught you a lesson, how to be afraid 
D                          E 
And how to understand your life is not a game 
A                                    Fm 
It's more than a lesson now you can learn no more from love 
D                             E                                         A 
Even with that wisdom in your mind there's still that poison in your blood 

D                           E                     Fm 
You wouldn't touch the breakfast that I made for you 
How could you lie? 
D                       E                     Fm 
Losing weight, you start to shake, you're scaring me 
I wonder why? 
D           E                     Fm                     A 
Victim of environment I cannot stand aside and watch you die 

A                     Fm                            D 
Everyday you went to school trying to maintain your cool 
With people sitting far away from you 
A                        Fm 
No lesson learned here prejudice prevails 
          D                             E 
You're an outcast to the ignorance of other people's mental jails 
A                               Fm 
Soon you'll be free you can live again my friend 
D                        E 
Darkness is better than this live you're in 
A                                       Fm  
Sympathy I give to you that is all that is all I can do 
D                                          E 
I'm sorry that you're stuck here with this fatal flu 

There's not much I can do 

D                   E              Fm 
They taught you a lesson how to stay away, protect yourself 
D                E              Fm 
Victim of your solitude one out of ten and one was you  
D              E        Fm 
Victim of society's incurable disease, the fatal flu 

A                        Fm 
It taught you a lesson, how to be afraid 
D                            E 
And how to understand your life is not a game 
A                                    Fm 
It's more than a lesson now you can learn no more from love 
D                              E                                        A 
Even with that wisdom in your mind there's still that poison in your blood 

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