No Use For a Name

A Postcard Would Be Nice

No Use For a Name

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A Postcard Would Be Nice



A                         E 
Lost yourself it didn't take much time 

it wasn't hard to find 

now that you've been to the edge, 

            D                   A 
stood and looked down from the top 

and found it wasn't worth the pain, 

a selfish way to say 

I'm the only one that counts and 

     D         F#m  
happiness is out 

A D E Really insecure, disguising what's inside Bm you're not cool to me D E A I won't wait in the back of the line
=====verse======= A E No one knows exactly where you went D the money has been spent E sent the search team, D A I'm about to call it off A E feel you close when you're so far away, D a straw inside your vein E as it sucks the life from you D F#m I watch it all come true
A D When it happens like a million E times before Bm D I won't close my mind but I refuse to E A open the door
=======Bridge===== D A Feel the world caving in you had so much left to give F#m Is it worth the tide you turned D all the people that you burned? A So long to your little friend this is how E the story ends F#m E D I'm the only one cause nobody cared anyway =========Verse====== A E Hate yourself just like I thought you would, D it didn't do us good E D I'm afraid of being right so before we A E say goodbye to you come down from off your throne D and let the truth be known E we all know you're not insane, D E F#m it's how you play this game
A D E Really insecure, disguising what's inside Bm D E A it's not cool to me when the game is a fake suicide D E A when the game is a fake suicide D E A when the game is a fake suicide

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