Mumford And Sons

Snake Eyes

Mumford And Sons

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Snake Eyes

Written by Ted Dwane/Ben Lovett/Winston Marshall/Marcus Mumford

	  		Intro: Am    Am    Amadd6   Am   C/G    C/G  G   Em   F   F 

verse 1 
    Am        Amadd6   Am    C/G  G    Em         F 
You hold it     in    your    hands,       let it flow,  
      Am        Amadd6 Am     C/G      G    Em    F 
this cruelty, of youth as you fall   again      alone 
        Am     G   Em ' F      C   
and the compromise of truth 

Chorus 1 
F             Am          G                        F 
  It's in the eyes, I can tell you will always be danger 
           Am                 G            
We had it tonight, why do you leave it open? 

Am    Am    Amadd6   Am   C/G    C/G   G   Em   F   F 

verse 2 
         Am      Amadd6   Am    C/G  G        Em         F 
and the stakes, remain   too     high,   from the silent mind 
         Am        Amadd6 Am    C/G  G         Em             F 
and the shake, the lonely        inch,   that course down my spine 
   Am        G      F      
to leave the love divine 
       Am        G     F     C   
don't leave the love divine 
F                        C 
   it's a water tight excuse 

F Am G F It's in the eyes, I can tell you will always be danger Am G F We had it tonight, why do you always seek absolution? Am G F F It's in the eyes, I can tell you will always be danger
verse 3 Am Amadd6 Am C/G G F How does the earth around your feet, just slip away? Am Amadd6 Am C/G G Em F And abandon will greet you in the night, with snake eyes, Am G F C the most precious time Chorus 2 solo - outro F F Am Am G Em F F Am G - Em F F Am Am G - Em F

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