Misc Your Songs

Bruce Tannenbaum - Lets Free My Children In South Africa

Misc Your Songs

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Bruce Tannenbaum - Lets Free My Children In South Africa


Verse 1:

E A Mr Botha, I am talking to you E C Mr Botha, you are talking to me E A Mr Botha, were all talking to you G C G C G C You will see Mr Botha, You will see Mr Botha, you will see
D A C G Let's free my children in South Africa D A C G We must free my children of South Africa C G 10,000 children held in ball and chains C G All I can say it is a crying shame


D A C G Let's free my children in South Africa D A C G Let's free my children in South Africa

Verse 2:

E A Mr Botha, open your eyes E C Mr Botha, can you hear them crying E A Mr Botha, I am talking to you G C G C G C You will see Mr Botha, You will see Mr Botha, you will f..ing see
D A C G Let's free the children of South Africa D A C G We must free my children of south africa C G 10,000 children held in ball and chains C G All I can say it is a crying shame


D A C G Let's free my children in South Africa D A C G Let's free my children in South Africa

Verse 3:

E A Mr Botha, lend me your eyes E C Mr Botha, release my children in South Africa E A Mr Botha, Apartheid must be put to an end G C G C G C You will see Mr Botha, You will see Mr Botha, you will f..ing see
D A C G Let's free the children of South Africa D A C G We must free my children of south africa C G 10,000 children held in ball and chains C G All I can say it is a crying shame


D A C G Let's free my children in South Africa D A C G Let's free my children in South Africa

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