Little Green Cars

Harper Lee

Little Green Cars

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Harper Lee

Written by Steven Appleby/Dylan Lynch/Donagh Seaver O'Leary/Adam O'Regan/Faye O'Rourke

INTRO: Em          D/F# 

G                                            Em          D/F# 
Like a crash, I wait for the impact, 

G                                           Em          D/F# 
Like a train, I wait for the smoke,  

G                                             Em          D/F# 
Like a storm, I wait for the silence, 

G                                           Em          D/F# 
Like a glove, I wait til you fall. 

Am Bm G C Ohhhhhhhhh, There?s a gun in the attic, let me go grab it Am Bm G C I?d blow holes in my soul, just so you can look past it Am Bm G C Yeah there?s glass on the floor, there?s a hole in the roof Am Bm G C Yeah the chandelier fell, now there rain?s pouring through
PRE-VERSE: Em D/F# VERSE 2: G Em D/F# Like a dog, I wait for my owner G Em D/F# And Harper Lee, I?ll kill me a bird G Em D/F# And I sit back and I just watch it happen G Em D/F# And just like you, I won?t say a word
Am Bm G C Ohhhhhhhhh, There?s a gun in the attic, let me go grab it Am Bm G C I?d blow holes in my soul, just so you can look past it Am Bm G C Yeah there?s glass on the floor, there?s a hole in the roof Am Bm G C Yeah the chandelier fell, now there rain?s pouring through
SOLO (verse chords)
Am Bm G C I put mice in kitchen to see if you?d kill them Am Bm G C Oh now you let them live, now there?s twelve thousand kids Am Bm G C Oh yeah you let them breathe now I?ve got mouths to feed Am Bm G C Oh yeah you let them stay now they?ve taken my place Am Bm G C Yeah you left them alone now they?re eating our home.

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