Joey Ramone

Merry Christmas

Joey Ramone

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Merry Christmas

	  		                    F#            G# 
Merry Christmas, I don't want to fight tonight 
 C#        A#m          F#            G# 
    Merry Christmas, I don't want to fight tonight 
 C#        A#m          F#            G#                C#  A#m F# G# 
    Merry Christmas, I don't want to fight tonight with you 

 C#      A#m      F#      G# 
Where is Santa? At his sleigh? 
 C#      A#m      F#      G# 
Tell me why is it always this way? 
 C#      A#m      F#      G# 
Where is Rudolph? Where is Blitzen, baby? 
 C#      A#m      F#      G# 
Merry Christmas, merry merry merry Christmas 

 C#      A#m      F#      G# 
All the children are tucked in their beds 
 C#      A#m      F#      G# 
Sugar-plum fairies dancing in their heads 
 C#      A#m      F#      G#                C#      F# C# G#7 
Snow is falling, falling bowling, merry christmas 

 F#             F#m 
I love you and you love me 
 C#                C#7 
And that's the way it's got to be 
 F#             F#m 
I read it, be torn up parts 
 Eb                                  F#                   G# 
'Cause Christmas ain't the time for breaking each other's hearts 

 C#        A#m          F#            G# 
    Merry Christmas, I don't want to fight tonight 
 C#        A#m          F#            G# 
    Merry Christmas, I don't want to fight tonight 
 C#        A#m          F#            G#                C#  A#m F# G# 
    Merry Christmas, I don't want to fight tonight with you 

 C#      A#m      F#      G# 
All the children are tucked in their beds 
 C#      A#m      F#      G# 
Sugar-plum fairies dancing in their heads 
 C#      A#m      F#      G#                C#      F# C# G#7 
Snow is falling, falling bowling, merry christmas 

 F#             F#m 
I love you and you love me 
 C#                C#7 
And that's the way! It's got to be 
 F#             F#m 
I read it, be torn up parts 
 Eb                                  F#                   G# 
'Cause Christmas ain't the time for breaking each other's hearts 

 C#        A#m          F#            G# 
    Merry Christmas, I don't want to fight tonight 
 C#        A#m          F#            G# 
    Merry Christmas, I don't want to fight tonight 
 C#        A#m          F#            G#                C# 
    Merry Christmas, I don't want to fight tonight with you 

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