
Shield Your Eyes


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Shield Your Eyes

Written by Chris Bauermeister/Adam Pfahler/Blake Schwarzenbach


Verse 1:

Em There was a sun once It lit the whole damn sky F#m It kept everything D Em Everything alive Em And there was a man once He looked it straight in the eye F#m He saw everything D Everything Em He went blind
A Em The truth burns bright A Em There's too much there sometimes A EM F# D The sun it shows, the sun it blinds A Em Best to keep your eyes A Em Stare at the sidewalk lines A Em F#m Let lies lie, don't let them shine D Em ...let them shine, don't let them shine

Verse 2:

Em The blind man staggers And he grabs at his eyes F#m He can't do anything D Em Everything is a lie Em Now he sits around And he stares at the walls F#m He can't do anything D Em Anything at all
A Em The truth burns bright A Em There's too much there sometimes A EM F# D The sun it shows, the sun it blinds A Em Best to keep your eyes A Em Stare at the sidewalk lines A Em F#m Let lies lie, don't let them shine D Em ...let them shine, don't let them shine F#m D Shield your eyes from all this misery F#m D Don't belong, don't belong

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