In The Valley Below

Dove Season

In The Valley Below

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Dove Season

Written by Angela Gail/Jeffery Jacob

Cm Cm 
Cm G# Cm G# 

Cm       G#                     Cm                 G# 
 Hold to my heart just when you thought enough is enough. 
Cm        G#                       Cm                   G# 
 Lay down your cards just when you thought it's all too much. 
Cm      G#                   Cm                     G# 
 Waters rising just when you thought you were high enough. 
Cm       G#                    Cm                      G# 
 Love is calling just when you thought you were out of touch. 

D#              A#           Cm 
 You are the hunter, I'm the dove. 
 The season's coming there's room for both of us. 
D#                     A#                          Cm 
 You can't choose your love, you can't choose your love 
                  G#                    D# 
 I could use your love, can't lose your love. 
                A#         Cm              G#              D# 
 If this is the end, let's start all over, start all over again 
              A#  C#                Fm                   D#  A#  C# G# 
 I believe we can start all over on earth as it is in heaven. 

D# A# C# G#  

Cm          G#                      Cm          G# 
 Shapes are shifting now that you're not in the dark. 
Cm        G#                      Cm        G# 
 Curtains lifting now that you got an open heart. 
Cm         G#              C            Cm      G# 
 Wheels are turning now that you're not in the cut. 
Cm      G#                    Cm          G# 
 Fire's burning now that you got flint to spark. 

D#              A#           Cm 
 You are the hunter, I'm the dove. 
 The season's coming there's room for both of us. 
D#                     A#                          Cm 
 You can't choose your love, you can't choose your love 
                  G#                    D# 
 I could use your love, can't lose your love. 
                A#         Cm              G#              D# 
 If this is the end, let's start all over, start all over again 
              A#  C#                Fm                   D#  A#  C# G# 
 I believe we can start all over on earth as it is in heaven. 

Gm          Cm                  D# 
 Keep your shoulders back, your eyes ahead 
 There's bullets in the Bowery bouncing off and beating red. 

D#              A#         Cm              G#              D# 
 If this is the end, let's start all over, start all over again 
              A#  C#                Fm                   D#  A#  C# G# 
 I believe we can start all over on earth as it is in heaven. 

D# A# C# G#  

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