
The Lords My Shepherd Psalm 23


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The Lords My Shepherd Psalm 23

Intro: D Dsus D 

verse 1: 
                D       Dsus      D 
The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want. 
             D       G      Asus  A 
He makes me lie in pastures green 
             G      Asus  A     D  G 
He leads me by the still still waters,  
      Em         D    A   D 
His goodness restores my soul 

D Asus D And I will trust in You alone. D G Asus A And I will trust in You alone. G Asus A D/F# G For Your endless mercy follows me, Em Asus A D Your goodness will lead me home.
verse 2: D Dsus D He guides my ways in righteousness. D G Asus A And He anoints my head with oil. G Asus A D G And my cup, it overflows with joy, Em D A D I feast on His pure delights
D Asus D And I will trust in You alone. D G Asus A And I will trust in You alone. G Asus A D/F# G For Your endless mercy follows me, Em Asus A D Your goodness will lead me home.
verse 3: D Dsus D And though I walk the darkest path, D G Asus A I will not fear the evil one G Asus A D G For You are with me, and Your rod and staff, Em D A D are the comfort I need to know
D Asus D And I will trust in You alone. D G Asus A And I will trust in You alone. G Asus A D/F# G For Your endless mercy follows me, Em Asus A D Your goodness will lead me home.
ENDING: G Asus A D/F# G For Your endless mercy follows me, Em Asus A D Your goodness will lead me home.

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