Foot Ox

Los Angeles

Foot Ox

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Los Angeles

   Am      C       G 
and all the insects inside 
     Am         C       G 
your lungs will run and hide 
       Am    C        G 
at the first sight of love 
at the first sight of love 
      Am       C   G 
cause you live in la 
  Am    C         G 
under 6 inches of dirt 
           Am   C       G 
where your body came to lay 
Am         C        G 
after it's lungs collapsed 
          Am        C            G 
cause the only love they've ever known 
    Am     C         G 
was beaten into it's bones 
        Am C G 
by some bastard 

E F# 
E F# 
E F# 

Am C G 
Am C G 
    Am      C         G 
and all the insects inside 
     Am         C       G 
your lungs will run and hide  
       Am    C        G 
at the first sight of love 
at the first sight of love 

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