Caroline Herring


Caroline Herring

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	  		CAPO: 5 

Intro: C  Cadd9  C  Cadd9 

C             Em    F     C 
I should have known why I loved 
        Cadd9       Em 
Driving through the cactus fields 
           F             G 
Or wearing white leather gloves 
  E E7       Am 
Admiring the virgin 
       F               G 
As she stands upon the moon 
C          Cadd9  Em    
Waltzing behind a second line 
        F              G 
Or harmonizing the gospel tunes 

C Em F C Abuelita, underneath the trees Cadd9 Em F C Of Costa Rica and her dark shored seas Em7 They won't tell me about you F G They don't want me to see C Em F G C Abuelita, you're just like me
Em F C I do not have your mind Cadd9 Em Nor your body F G Nor your circumstance in time E E7 Am But I feel something rising F G Up through me like a song C Cadd9 Em It's fragile and lovely F G It's powerful and strong
C Em F C Abuelita, underneath the trees Cadd9 Em F C Of Costa Rica and her dark shored seas Em7 They won't tell me about you F G They don't want me to see C Em F G C Abuelita, you're just like me
Bridge: G F C Oh, grandmother did you have to say G F C Sometimes life, well, it just turns out that way Em Am Waiting for a boy Em Am Waiting for a train D F G Waiting on something to make you feel again INTERLUDE: C Em F C Em F C Em F C All of the girls lined up the stairs Cadd9 Em Dressed like queens and princesses F G With jewels in their hair E E7 Am Wrapped up in the old furs F G You gave to us that night C Cadd9 Em We were the midnight fireworks F G We blazed in a New Year sky
C Em F C Abuelita, underneath the trees Cadd9 Em F C Of Costa Rica and her dark shored seas Em7 They won't tell me about you F G They don't want me to see C Em F G Am F Abuelita, you're just like me___ G E7 C Em F C I'm just like me

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