Billy Joe Shaver

Livin' A Lovin' Lie

Billy Joe Shaver


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Livin' A Lovin' Lie

Written by Billy Joe Shaver

	  		CAPO I 
INTRO: G (once) 
          C              Bb  
You don't love me, I can feel it 
       F            C 
No use tryin' to conceal that 
         F               G          C     G         
You been fakin' feelin's for me too long 
            C             Bb 
So lay back baby, let the leavin' 
         F            C 
Find you any way but grievin' 
         F                 G               C 
When you face your future fortunes on your own 

F 'Cause we'd both feel sad and sorry C If the leavin's left alone F D7 G 'Cause we're too tired of tryin', and worn out from puttin' on F And there's no use spendin' good times C On some worn out alibi F G C When we'd both be left with livin' a lovin' lie
SOLO: C Bb F C F G C G C Bb F C F G C C Bb So long baby, good luck to ya F C Nothin' less that that would do ya F G C G That's the shortest way I know to say so long C Bb 'Cause I believe that I'll be leavin' F C All your rights left to believe in F G C On this early mornin' grievin' leavin' dawn CHORUS OUTRO: F G C F G C

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