Billy Joe Shaver

Light A Candle For Me

Billy Joe Shaver



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Light A Candle For Me

Written by Billy Joe Shaver

	  		INTRO: C 

          G                  F 
Would you light a candle for me, babe 
Even though I have done done you wrong 
     F                    C 
If I called you up around midnight 
          F                   C 
Would you pray with me on the phone 

I recall the winters we weathered 
I felt your heart beat with mine 
You pulled me so deeply inside you 
Our bodies so sweetly entwined 

You know, it hurt me to hurt you 
But I felt my deal goin' down 
Now I'm hung in the hooks of the highway 
I'm gone and I can't turn around 

These devils out here done took me 
'Cause they know that I's a good hearted man 
It's too late to pray for my life now 
But my soul can be saved by your hand 

Would you ligh a candle for me, babe 
And don't snuff it out 'til the dawn 
When that gamey old cock stops his crowin' 
My soul will come wingin' back home 

Like a deaf man gazin' sadly 
At a blind man singin' his song 
There's a world of difference between us 
But the grace of God makes us one 

          G                  F         C 
Would you light a candle for me, babe

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