
Reach out for the light




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Reach out for the light

Year: 2001 - Album: The Metal Opera

Written by Tobias Sammet



Am   F/E    G   Am       F/E  G     
Lord above - why don't you tell me  
Am    F/E   Am  C G 
why I'm here in agony?  
Am        F/E G   Am            
I've been serving, I've been praying  
C                 G    E 
now I'm caught in misery. 
Am        F/E     G  Am  F/E  G    
I've been praised by friar Jakob,  
Am  F/E   Am  C       G 
I misused  his confidence.  
Cheated by this work of evil -  
C               G       E 
feigning Anna's innocence. 
Oh what have I done?  
So many ways lead to the fallen one,  
Lucifer, fallen light...  
Oh what have I done?  
G             F         G 
What is going oooooooooon? 
C                  Am 
Reach out for the light  
Dm             G 
far beyond confines.  
Em                 Am 
You have read the magic lines  
F               G             C 
leading to the light in your mind... 

Same Chords as before: 

What is right and what is wrong now?  
Is it a trial of paradise?  
Is anna a witch or do they stick to an error?  
What's the book and the seal inside? 
Am I a cleric or maybe a sinner?  
Unbeliever? Renegade?  
Was it the devil who led me to "seven"?  
Oh redeemer is it all too late? 
Oh, what have I done?  
I have been led by the smelling one,  
Lucifer, fallen light...  
Tell me stranger, what have I done?  
Oh what's going on? 
Reach out for the light  
far beyond confines.  
You have read the magic lines  
leading to the light in your mind... 
        C      G     F   Am    G   F      G 
In your miiiiiiiiiiiind? Yeeeeaaaahhh!  

Reach out for the light  
far beyond confines.  
You have read the magic lines  
leading to the light.... 

D                  Bm 
Reach out for the light  
G               A 
far beyond confines.  
F#                 Bm 
You have read the magic lines  
G                A             D 
leading to the light in your mind... 

     E   A   D   G   B   E 

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