The Beatles

Maxwell's Silver Hammer

The Beatles


by  P!ATD

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Maxwell's Silver Hammer

Year: 1969 - Album: Abbey Road

Written by Lennon-McCartney

Key:  D
	  		5   5   5   -4  4 
Joan was quiz-zi-cal, 

  5  -4   5 -5  6  -6  -7 
stud-ied met-a-phys-i-cal 

-6  -5  -5  -5  -5 
Sci-ence in the home 

 -6    -5   -5  6  -6 
Late nights all a-lone 

-7  -6   6   -5 
with a test-tube 

5  6  5  -4 

 5   5   5  -4  4 
Max-well Ed-i-son 

5  -4   5  -5  6 -6  -7 
ma-jor-ing in med-i-cine 

  -6  -5  -5  -5  -5 
Calls her on the phone 

 -6  -5 -5   6  -6 
"Can I take you out 

-7  -6  6   -5    5  6  5  -4 
to the pic-tures,Joa-oa-oa-oan?" 

 4  -4  -4   -5   -6   7  -7 -6 -4 
But as she's get-ting read-y to go 

-4  6     6   -6  -7  -7 
A knock comes on the door 


  5     6    7   -7    -6   6   5  -4 
Bang, bang, Max-well's sil-ver ham-mer 

  4   -4  -4 -5 -6   7 
Came down up-on her head 

 -5     6   -8   7     -7  -6   6  -5 
Bang, bang, Max-well's sil-ver ham-mer 

  5   -4   -4   6   5   4 
Made sure that she was dead 

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