Free premium gifts

You are browsing as a visitor or free user and you can access all tabs and chords, but to be able to watch video lessons, receive gifts and use several other features of E-Chords, you need to upgrade your account to premium.
The most powerful chord dictionary in the world with more than 1 billion chords for free! If you purchase a 6 months, 1 or 2 years membership, you will receive a full version of Billion Chords software.
Advanced Printable Chords
A fantastic e-Book with hundreds of guitar chord diagrams so you can use it as a quick reference for free!
Fretboard Warrior
A free tool designed to help guitar students to memorize the fretboard. The rules are simple: Click on the note that correspond to the blue dot on the fretboard. The bottom string corresponds to the 6th string and the upper string corresponds to the 1st string.
TabPlayer 6.0
TabPlayer 6.0 is the state-of-the-art in guitar tablature editors! With TabPlayer you can view, edit, print and even play your standard .txt tab files! Play audio files, view chords, insert quotes and much more!
Easy Music Composer
An automatic composer. You can compose a song without spending much time and effort and without musical knowledge.
A website that will teach you how to play bass like a professional. You will find hundreds of video lessons, accurate tabs and guitar pro files. For beginners, intermediate and advanced players. Being a Premium Member on E-Chords you will get 40% off on membership.