New Found Glory

Broken Sound

New Found Glory


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Broken Sound

Written by Cyrus Bolooki/Chad Gilbert/Ian Grushka/Steve Klein/Jordan Pundik


TITLE: Broken Sound
BAND: A Newfound Glory

             Intro                                    2x
   Cym:| O--------------- | O--------------- | ---------------- |
    Hh:| -xxx------------ | -xxx------------ | xxxxxx---------- |
   SnD:| -ooooo---------- | ---o------------ | -----o---------- |
   BD1:| o--------------- | o-o------------- | -oo-o----------- |

    Hh:| x-x-x-x-x-x--------------------- |
   SnD:| ----------o-o-oo---------------- |
   BD1:| --o-----o----------------------- |

   Cym:| O--------------- | ---------------- | -------------------------------- |
    Hh:| -xxx------------ | xxxxxx---------- | x-x-x-x-x-x--------------------- |
   SnD:| ---o------------ | -----o---------- | ----o-----o-oooo---------------- |
   BD1:| o-o------------- | -oo-o----------- | --o-----o----------------------- |

   Cym:| O-O------------- | --OOOOOOO------- | ----O-O-O----------------------- |
    Hh:| -x-x------------ | xx-------xxx---- | x-x-------x--------------------- |
   SnD:| ---o------------ | -----o-----o---- | ----------o-oooo---------------- |
   BD1:| o-o------------- | -oo-o--oo-o----- | --o-----o----------------------- |

                            2x (open hi-hat)
   Cym:| O--------------- | ---------------- | -------------------------------- |
    Hh:| -xxx------------ | xxxxxx---------- | x-x-x-x-x-x--------------------- |
   SnD:| ---o------------ | -----o---------- | ----------o-oooo---------------- |
   BD1:| o-o------------- | -oo-o----------- | --o-----o----------------------- |

                            2x (open hi-hat)        Outro
   Cym:| O--------------- | ---------------- | --------O------- |
    Hh:| -xxx------------ | xxxxxx---------- | xxxxxx---------- |
  Tom1:| ---------------- | ---------------- | ------oo-------- |
   SnD:| ---o------------ | -----o---------- | -----o--o------- |
  FlT1:| ---------------- | ---------------- | ------oo-------- |
   BD1:| o-o------------- | -oo-o----------- | -o--o-oo-------- |


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