Whitney Houston

I wanna dance with somebody

Whitney Houston

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I wanna dance with somebody

Year: 1987 - Album: Whitney Houston - The Greatest Hits

Written by George Robert Merrill, Shannon Rubicam

	  		   C   G                                                      Am
1.      Clocks strikes upon the hour, and the sun begins to fade,
G                                                             Am
    still enough time to figure out how to chase my blues away.
F                             G                            C             F
    I've done alright up 'til now, it's the light of day that shows me how,
                           C      G              F G
    and when the night falls, loneliness calls.
    Oh! I wanna dance with somebody, 
    I wanna feel the heat with somebody.
    Yeah! I wanna dance with somebody,
F                     Dm        G
    with somebody who loves me. + rep. REFRAIN + C
   G                                                              Am
2.   I've been in love and lost my senses, spinning through the town,
G                                                         Am
    soon or later the fever ends, and I wind up feeling down.
F                                   G
    I need a man who'll take a chance,
             C                               F
    on a love that burns hot enough to last.
                          C      G                              F G
    So when the night falls, my lonely heart calls.  + REFRAIN 
                         Am                        G
    Somebody to, somebody to,    somebody to love me,
Am                                               G
    somebody to , somebody to,   to hold me in his arms, oh!
F                                   G
    I need a man who'll take a chance,                  
          C                              F
    on a love that burns hot enough to last.
                         C      G                              F G
    So when the night falls, my lonely heart calls.  + REFRAIN ....


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