Traveling Wilburys

You're Not Alone Anymore

Traveling Wilburys

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by  PRB216

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You're Not Alone Anymore

	  		Intro -  D - C - D - C 

D     Bm          F#m            G  A 
You always said that Id'd be back again,  
D     Bm           F#m          G   A 
that I'd come running to you in the end 
G               Gsus4             Em 
I thought that you where on your own, (shala-la-la,shala-la-la) 
G           Gsus4               Em 
and now I find that your not alone, (shala-la-la), 

Dmaj7 F#m                           G 
Not alone, I'll see you through the rain 
Dmaj7 F#m                           G 
Not alone, Through the heartache and pain 
Dmaj7 F#m  G              A     Bm        
Not alone, It hurts like never before, 
      G    Asus4          D  C D C 
Your not alone, anymore, 

D      Bm           F#m           G    Asus4 A 
You always said that I would know someday, 
D      Bm           F#m         G  Asus4   A 
Just how it feels when you'd walk away, 
I let you down I let you go, (shala-la-la, shala-la-la,) 
I lost you, how was I to know,( shala-la-la) 

D      F#m             G      Asus4  D     F#m          G       Asus4 
I never knew I could feel this way, I never could see past yesterday 
You feel that everything is gone (shala-la-la, shala-la-la,) 
I feel it too, you not alone,( shala-la-la,) 

Not alone, I'll see you through the rain, not alone, Every heartache and pain 
                                             G     A         F#m  Bm 
(not alone) It hurts like never before, your not alone, your not alone, 
      G    Asus4            D    C   D    C   D   C  D 
your not alone anymore,  anymore, anymore, anymore, 

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