The Sound City Players

From Can To Cant

The Sound City Players

chords Intermediate intermediate


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From Can To Cant


          F#m G#5   A5  
Under the water, 
     Bm           D  C#m  C5 
Its cold and its grey. 
Bm        F#m    G#5 
My torrid autumn, 
A5     Bm       D  C#m   C5 
Another season decays. 
Bm          F#m    G#5 
Open up the Hollow, 
A5      Bm      D  C#m  C5 
And my walls come down. 
Bm              F#m    G#5 
I tell you its a problem, 
A5       Bm      D   C#m  C5 
Just when no ones around. 
But then, 


D    E           F#m 
I know whats wrong, 
G#        A5          Bm 
God, you complicated everything. 
D   E         F#m   G#5    A5   Bm 
I know youre gone, gone, gone, 
D                     E          F#m   G#  A5 Bm 
This is where I will draw a line. 

F#m  G#5  A5   Bm      

        I will draw my line. 

Fm  G#5 A5  Bm   D C#m C5 


Bm          F#m     G#5  A5    
Burning my cathedrals, 
         Bm        D   Cm   C5 
Cause I dont pray anymore. 
Bm                  F#m     G#5            A5   Bm 
Look at all of these people, Tragic little people, 
     D                    C#m             C5 
They smile and then they dont know what for. 
But then, 


D    E           F#m 
I know whats wrong, 
G#        A5          Bm 
God, you complicated everything. 
D   E         F#m   G#5    A5   Bm 
I know youre gone, gone, gone, 
D                     E           F#m  G#5 A5 Bm 
This is where I will blur my line. 

F#m G#5 

A5      Bm 
I will blur my line. 


F#m G#5 A5 Bm 


Riff continues 

F#m  G#5 A5  
Bm                F#m   G#5           A5    Bm 
Our houses are haunted, Dark and deserted, 
        D           C#m        C5         
Theyre made of my secrets and shame. 
Bm      F#m       G#5         A5       Bm 
Baby I want it I know Im not worth it, 
  D          C#m          C5 
I cant even tell you my name. 
But then, 


D   E             F#m 
I know whats wrong, 
G#5      A5           Bm 
God, you complicated everything. 
D    E          F#m 
I know youre wrong, 
G#5       A5          Bm 
God, you took it all away from me. 
D   E         G#m    A5    Bm 
I know youre gone, gone, gone, 
D                    E             F#m     G#5   A5  Bm 
This is where I will cross my line. 

D  C#m  C5   

Bm             F#m    G#5    A5  Bm 
I am crossing my line. 

D C#m  C5 Bm 

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