The Rumjacks

Bar The Door Casey

The Rumjacks

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Bar The Door Casey

Written by The Rumjacks

	  		Intro: Am / E 

  Am                 C           G 
Bar the door Casey, don't let me in, 
   Am                           E 
My shade'll not cross your dear threshold again, 
  Am                 C           G 
Bar the door Casey, mind the way well, 
  Am                         E         Am 
And send my poor ghost on to heaven or hell. 

  Am                                   C         G 
Weve fought scores of sailors for the suds frae a keg, 
          Am                   E 
O'er the draw of a card, or a rare glimpse of leg, 
        Am                            C           G 
We've graced Kuta's beaches with our pallid white skin, 
     Am                 E             Am 
Now Casey old mate, my barge has come in. 

  Am                 C           G 
Bar the door Casey, don't let me in, 
   Am                           E 
My shade'll not cross your dear threshold again, 
  Am                 C           G 
Bar the door Casey, mind the way well, 
  Am                         E         Am 
And send my poor ghost on to heaven or hell. 

     Am                         C         G 
We've stormed foreign strands & taken our knocks, 
     Am                         E 
Held fast to our picket & lay siege to the docks, 
     Am                         C               G 
We've mourned pals & lovers too long fore their time, 
    Am                   E          Am 
Now Casey old China, the parting is mine. 

  Am                 C           G 
Bar the door Casey, don't let me in, 
   Am                           E 
My shade'll not cross your dear threshold again, 
  Am                 C           G 
Bar the door Casey, mind the way well, 
  Am                         E         Am 
And send my poor ghost on to heaven or hell. 

     Am                      C          G 
I've penned a few lines to my missus of years, 
      Am                              E 
If ye find where she's staying, don't wait for the tears, 
         Am                    C      G 
And I've left a wee sum for to see me away, 
      Am                         E            Am 
And a pint to fond memory at the close of the day. 

  Am                 C           G 
Bar the door Casey, don't let me in, 
   Am                           E 
My shade'll not cross your dear threshold again, 
  Am                 C           G 
Bar the door Casey, mind the way well, 
  Am                         E         Am 
And send my poor ghost on to heaven or hell... 

  Am                         E         Am 
And send my poor ghost on to heaven or hell. 

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