The Rolling Stones

Ride On Baby

The Rolling Stones



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Ride On Baby

Written by Mick Jagger/Keith Richards

	  		Ride On Baby:The Rolling Stones. 
Album - Flowers in 1967. 

INTRO: (Capo fifth fret for orig.) A E  A E 

A               E     F#m             A 
A smile on your face, but not in your eyes. 
D                      A   D                   E 
You're looking through don't feel it inside. 

            A              F#m 
Get out and ride on, baby, ride on, baby.. 
A              F#m 
ride on, baby, ride on, baby. 

        D                        E 
I could pick your face out in an FBI file, 
    D                     E 
You may look pretty but I can't say the same 
         A    E            A  E 
for your mind......Ah, ah, ah. 

A              E  F#m             A 
You walk up to me and try to look shy. 
D                  A    D                     E 
The red round your eyes says that you ain't a child. 


           D                    E 
Well, I've seen your face, in a trashy magazine. 
    D                                    E 
You know where you're going, but I don't like the places 
       A    E            A  E        
you've been......Ah, ah, ah..  

A E F#m A    D A D E 


      D                           E 
I can pick your face out from the front or behind. 
    D                      E                           A   E 
You may look pretty, but I can't say the same for your mind. 
        A  E 
Ah, ah, ah. 

A             E    F#m       A 
Laugh it up a bit. Give it a try. 
D            A        D             E 
If I'm not impressed, you can still cry. 


       D                                    E 
By the time you're thirty, gonna look sixty-five. 
    D                           E 
You won't look pretty, and your friends will have 
               A  E 
kissed you goodbye. 

A              F#m 
ride on, baby, ride on, baby.(x3) 

A sixties smash from Kraziekhat. 

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