The Gladiators

Peace Truce

The Gladiators

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Peace Truce

Written by Albert Griffths

Intro: G  Am  Bm  Am 

G  Am  Bm  Am 
Na na na na na na. 
Yeah! Na na na na na na. 
We have the force to break tribulation 
Hear me now, man! 
Brothers have been fighting against brothers. 

G  Am  Bm  Am 
Every day you have been learning that, 
Prophecy must fulfil (Na.. na na na na na). 
We all know that, 
What a man soweth, that's what he shall reap, yeah. 
(Na.. na na na na na). So let's stop and think awhile, 
Blessing ye who are sheep (??) 

G  Am  Bm  Am 
If you would only stop this fussing and fighting, 
Prophecy must fulfil. 
'Cause Jah works is to be praised, 
But not with fussing and fighting. 

( G  Am  Bm  Am ) 

G  Am  Bm  Am 
Every day you have been learning that, 
Prophecy must fulfil (Na.. na na na na na). 
We all know that, 
What a man soweth, that's what he shall reap, yeah. 
(Na.. na na na na na). So let's stop and think awhile, 
Blessing ye who are sheep (??) 

G  Am  Bm  Am 
If you would only stop this fussing and fighting, 
Prophecy must fulfil. 
'Cause Jah works is to be praised, 
But not with fussing and fighting. 

G  Am  Bm  Am 
Na na na na na na. 
Na na na na na na.. 

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